Partner With Us

Colorado organizations who are interested in partnering with or using MyFriendBen can do so in a number of ways outlined below. If your organization is interested in partnering with MyFriendBen, please reach out to our team at

Navigation and Community Partners

The easiest way to get up and running with MyFriendBen is to request a referral link. This custom link can be added to your organization's website or shared with your community. With this referral link, your organization will also receive:

  • A monthly de-identified aggregate report on usage from the custom link
  • Option to co-brand the tool with your organization's logo and language
  • Option to customize apply and apply with assistance links on the results page to aligned resources your team most frequently uses

If you are interested in a more customized or integrated experience, check out the technical options outlined below.

Technical Partnerships and Integrations

White Label: Provide Customized Benefits Reports for Your Clients Within Your Brand/Offering

A white-labeled product of MyFriendBen can be used by navigation organizations who are interested in supplementing their client services. Our team will provide a button for your existing website or platform that takes users to a co-branded version of MyFriendBen. Users can fill out MyFriendBen and receive a value-ranked list of benefits they are potentially eligible for. Screener results can be saved and emailed to the client - and if you wish, a trusted navigator.


  • MyFriendBen benefits screener, co-branded with your logo and custom messaging.
  • Monthly aggregate analytics report delivered via email.
  • Real time benefits data can be delivered to your organization through a mechanism of your choice. (Ex: private google sheet, API to a customer relationship management (CRM) system, etc.)
  • Option to customize the "apply" and "apply with assistance" links on the results page to aligned resources your team most frequently uses.
  • Optional custom intake form. Clients can complete a customized intake form which includes MyFriendBen. This option collects personally identifiable information (PII) as part of the navigation intake process. The user would complete this form and automatically be passed through to MyFriendBen at the end of the intake portion.

Use Case: Benefits in Action, a benefits navigation nonprofit, directs clients to complete their navigation intake forms on their website using a co-branded MyFriendBen tool. Upon completion of the intake portion of their process, a user is directed to a co-branded version of MyFriendBen.

Note: If your organization would like to utilize the custom intake form, please note that the form PII is stored separately from MyFriendBen's screener data for security purposes. 

Fast Tracked Screener Using Existing Demographics: Grow Impact of Client Assistance

For organizations that already collect significant demographic information on individuals/households, a partnership with MyFriendBen can provide users with easy access to the benefits they may be eligible for. By creating a screener that is pre-filled with existing information already collected by your organization, participants can be on the fast track to receive MyFriendBen's benefits eligibility and estimated value results within a few minutes.

A customized link tied to an individual's/household's profile in your database can provide access to a MyFriendBen screener with all known fields pre-filled, allowing users to complete the screener and receive benefits results faster.


  • Co-branded MyFriendBen version that includes partner's logo and custom messaging.
  • Benefits button/link that uses a unique identifier to MyFriendBen, enabling pre-fill of screener responses using de-identified data from your system.
  • Option to have benefit report results delivered back to your system upon a client's completion of MyFriendBen.
  • Option to use an external ID to return results without personally identifiable information (PII).
  • Optional customization of the "apply" and "apply with assistance" links on the results page to aligned resources your team most frequently uses. 
  • Optional trigger (webhook or API) to return MyFriendBen results to partner's database.

Use Case: Several Denver-area nonprofits are now exploring the option to use a pre-fill system to turbo-charge existing benefit navigation. In instances where navigators are helping to assist families with SNAP applications, they're able to deliver a full individualized report of 40+ benefits the family may wish to access at the conclusion of their navigation appointment.

Organizations with an enterprise system or access to support from a developer can fully integrate with MyFriendBen via an API (Application Programming Interface). Benefits eligibility and values can be sent directly to the organization's CRM or information system. Organization users who pull up an individual's profile in the system will have real-time access to clients' benefits eligibility along with estimated cash values of those within the organization's database via data pulled from MyFriendBen's API.


  • Token API key that provides access to submit household demographic data and receive eligibility results.
  • Open API documentation.

Organizations who would like to run a bulk analysis of benefits eligibility for their participants can provide our team with an exported list from their database. Your organization will receive benefit data back that can be used for outreach. 


  • Spreadsheet template.
  • CSV/XLS upload that processes the file and returns benefits eligibility and value results that can be used ad hoc or imported into an external system.