1. Modified SSDI eligibility rules for children under 18. Refined SSDI for children to connect to parent’s disability/disability benefits and reduce value
2. Colorado Legal Services eligibility updates. Colorado Legal Services will now appear in results for households that are eligible based on income or age if a user marks a need for legal services or if a user marks a need for housing help and has a rent or mortgage expense. This is an extension of our refinement where some housing assistance programs appear in results only if a user tells us they pay rent or mortgage.
3. Bug Fix – Error messages on the current benefits step. The MFB team has resolved an issue where the error messages on Step 8 – current benefits were not always rendering.
4. Update LEAP for 2024-25. The MFB team has updated income limits for LEAP in advance of the tool activating in November.
5. New Near Term Resource – Family Resource Center Association. This resource will come up for users who indicate a need for diapers and baby supplies. This resource will show up for all Colorado counties except: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, Larimer, Mesa, and Weld. The National Diaper Bank will appear in results covering these 10 counties.